CCD Images from Earliest Days of CCDs (1995), Using My Computerized 20 inch and Richard Berry's 6 inch Mel Bartels
Leo Dwarf I galaxy, imaged with Hale camera using SITe 512x512 back illuminated chip, 6" f/5, 1 minute exposure, raw image
Holmberg IX, a dwarf galaxy of M81, imaged
with Hale camera using SITe 512x512 back illuminated chip, 6" f/5, 5
minute exposure, raw image
M13, the Hercules cluster, with 20" f/4.8 computerized dob and Richard Berry's cookbook 245 + low-noise enhancement
M17, the Omega Nebula, with 20" f/4.8 computerized dob and Richard Berry's cookbook 245 + low-noise enhancement
M20, the Trifid Nebula, with 20" f/4.8 computerized dob and Richard Berry's cookbook 245 + low-noise enhancement
M51, the Whirlpool Galaxy, with 20" f/4.8 computerized dob and Richard Berry's cookbook 245 + low-noise enhancement
M57, the Ring Nebula, with 20" f/4.8 computerized dob and Richard Berry's cookbook 245 + low-noise enhancement
M8, the Lagoon Nebula, with 20" f/4.8 computerized dob and Richard Berry's cookbook 245 + low-noise enhancement